
When it comes to transporting goods internationally, a variety of documentation is required. One crucial document is the waiver, an essential component for many shipments to and from Africa. The waiver includes specific information about the goods being transported, the sender, and the recipient. In regions where this document is mandatory, it plays a significant role in controlling the flow of goods in and out of the country. Besides being referred to as a "waiver," this document is known by various other terms such as Cargo Tracking Note, CNCA, CEE, FERI, or BIETC. In French, it is identified as Bordereau de Suivi des Cargaisons (BSC) or Bordereau Electronique de Suivi des Cargaisons (BESC).

Countries where a waiver is required for importing or exporting to or from Africa include: 

Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Ivory Coast, DR Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Libya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Burundi, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, and South Sudan.

The purpose of the waiver is to provide destination country authorities with essential cargo information promptly.

The waiver document must contain critical details such as exporter and importer information, shipping method, description and value of the goods, vessel name, and transportation costs. It is imperative that this document reaches the receiving authorities before the cargo arrives at the port. To obtain a waiver, BNL Shipping can assist in compiling and submitting the necessary paperwork based on the requirements of the respective country.
